Sumatera Utara
October 13, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic affected people globally as well as the process of routine comprehensive care necessary for chronic patients due to disruption of delivery care. Nurses have critical responsibilities in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, primary recognition and preparation for the increasing threat, managing staffing challenges together with the well-being of nurses are of greatest importance. Strategies to promote physical distancing while not negotiating continuous nursing education and patient care are also essential. With prompt actions and synchronized efforts, risk of spreading the virus within the healthcare sector can be kept at the minimum. Pandemic COVID-19 has forced the health care system industry faces extraordinary challenges. Several health care institutions that were under pressure to survive were forced to make changes from financial savings, technological upgrades to operational improvements. This is necessary to achieve effective and efficient health service delivery during and after a pandemic. Some of the strategies implemented include online-based development for primary and tertiary health services as well as strengthening collaboration between health professionals and health related services to achieve optimal service. A coherent and integrated healthcare system with a high degree of proactive care and high technology with tele health can help initiate early diagnostics and address chronic diseases in new ways that empower the patients to be involved in the handling of their own disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Sumatera Utara proudly present the Medan International Conference on Nursing and Technology (MICoN-Tech 2022)
Living The New Normal: Achieving Resilience and Ensuring Sustainable Future”