The 1st International Conference on Physics and Applied Physics (ICPAP 2019)

Hotel GranDhika Setiabudi Medan

September 12, 2019 – September 13, 2019

Industry 4.0 emphasizes the integration among physical, digital and biological systems, which can be applied for human lives and civilizations. The extent to which this transformation will have a positive impact depends on how we can navigate the risks and opportunities that arise in the future. In order to face the challenge of industry 4.0, we need to prepare ourselves by employing these four issues: critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration.

Based on the above explanation of industry 4.0, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Indonesia, found that it was necessary to involve as a part of this industry trend, especially in Department of Physics, as a foundation of technology and sciences institute. Thus, Department of Physics USU addressed the above four issues, required for industry 4.0, by conducting an event called International Conference on Physics and Applied Physics (ICPAP), which will be held on 12th – 13th September 2019. The theme that will be delivered is “Fundamental and Innovative Research for Improving Competitive Dignified Nation and Industrial Revolution 4.0”.

Moreover, the conference itself will provide as a place to yield several benefits for both the researchers and the development of science and technology, namely:

  • Increasing the role of Applied Physics and Physics in the face of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.
  • Discussing the results of research related to Physics and Applied Physics with fellow researchers and policymakers.
  • Facilitating communication and discussion regarding problems, opportunities and actual progress of Physics and Applied Physics to support the acceleration of development.
The seminar participants are expected to number more than 150 participants from within and outside the country. 

Keynote Speakers

  • Prof Ming Way Lee (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
  • Inturu Omkaram, M.Sc., M.Phill, Ph.D. (Kyung Hee University, South Korea)
  • Dr. Nafizhah Oesman (UiTM Perlis Malaysia)
  • Dr. Syahrul Humaidi (USU, Indonesia)

Organizing Committee

Honorary Board:

Prof. Dr. Runtung, S.H, M.Hum


1. Drs. Mahyuddin. K.M. Nasution, M.IT, Ph.D

2. Dr. Kerista Sebayang, M.S.

3. Dr. Nursahara Pasaribu, M.Sc.

4. Drs. Gim Tarigan, M.Si.

5. Saharman Gea, Ph.D.


Prof. Dr. Timbangen Sembiring, M.Sc.


Dr. Perdinan Sinuhaji, M.S.


1. Dr. Syahrul Humaidi, M.Sc.

2. Awan Maghfirah, S.Si., M.Si.


Dr. Susilawati, M.Si.

Secretariat Chief:

Drs. Takdir Tamba, M.Eng.Sc.


1. Azhari, S. Pd,  M. Si.

2. Johaidin Saragih, S.Si.,M.Si.

3. Elvika Sylvia Hasibuan, ST

3. Nasrah Nasution

4. Hartini, S.E.

5. Yuspa, S.E.

6. Anie Afrilla, S.Si

Event Chief:

Dr. KeristaTarigan, M.Eng.Sc.


1. Dr. Diana AleminBarus, M.Sc.

2. Dr. Fauzi, M.Si.

Accommodation and Equipment Chief:

Junedi Ginting, M.Si.


1. Dr. Kurnia Sembiring, M.S.

2. Drs. Kurnia Brahmana, M.Si.

3. Muhammad Yasir, A.Md.

4. Artanta Sinulingga, ST

5. Gamal Nainggolan

Transport and Travel Chief:

Dr. Bisman Perangin-angin, M.Eng.Sc.


1. Tua Raja Simbolon, S.Si.,M.Si.

2. Haposan Pulungan

Consumption Chief:

Dra. Manis Sembiring, M.S.


1. Dra. Sudiati, M.Si.

2. Herty Afrina Sianturi, S.Si., M.Si.

Documentation Chief:

Drs. Herli Ginting, M.S.


1. Albert Tondang, S.Kom

2. Leli Rahmawati, ST

3. Novita Bangun, SE

Publicity Chair:

Yuan Alfinsyah Sihombing, M.Sc.


1. Lukman Hakim, S.Si., M.Si.

2. Siti Utari Rahayu, S. Si., M.Sc.

Liaison Chair:

Dr. Eng. Himsar Ambarita, ST., MT


1. Muhammad Romi Syahputra, S.Si., M.Si.

2. Meyman Sokhi Ziliwu, S.Kom, M.Kom

3. Dr. Sontang Sihotang, M.Sc.

Fund and Sponsorship Chief:

Prof. Dr. EddyMarlianto, M.Sc.


1. Prof. Dr. Zuriah Sitorus, M.S.

2. Drs. Aditia Warman, M.Si.

3. Syahrizul Siahaan, A.Md.

4. Ir. Abdi Gunawan

5. Zulfikri

Reviewer Chair:

Prof. Dr. Timbangen Sembiring, M.Sc.


1. Prof. Dr. Nasruddin MN, M.Eng.Sc.

2. Prof. Dr. Kerista Sebayang, M.S.

3. Tulus Ikhsan Nasution, M.Sc., Ph.D.

4. Saharman Gea, Ph.D

5. Belete Asefa Aragaw, Ph.D

6. Dr.Syahrul Humaidi, M.Sc.