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Badawi, Afif, Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Bagustari, Bintang Annisa, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia
Banjo, Chika
Basyuni, Mohammad, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1 Kampus USU Medan 20155
Basyuni, Mohammad, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara Jl. Tri Dharma Ujung No. 1 Kampus USU Medan 20155
Buaton, Relita, <p class="Addresses"><sup>1</sup>Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas IlmuKomputer dan Informasi Teknologi, Jl. Universitas No. 9A, Medan, 20155, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia</p> <p class="Addresses"><sup>2</sup>STMIK Kaputama, Jl. Vetera

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