- Dr. Muryanto Amin, M.Si, Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Science
Vice Advisor
- Muhammad Arifin Nasution, S.Sos, MSP, Vice Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Science
- Husni Thamrin, S.Sos, MSP, Vice Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Science
General Chair
- Heri Kusmanto, Ph.D, USU
General Co Chair
- Warjio Ph.D, USU
- Walid Musthafa Sembiring, Indonesia
Abstract Reviewer
- Prof Subhilhar Ph.D, USU
- Dr Budi Agustono, USU
- Heri Kusmanto, Ph.D, USU
- Warjio Ph.D, USU
- Dr. Inon Beydha, USU
- Dr Dewi Kurniawati, USU
The International seminar on languages and cultures in Asia (ISLC-FIB USU)