International Conference on Food Technology, Nutrition, and Sustainable Agriculture (ICFTNSA) 2021

Sumatera Utara

September 30, 2021 – October 1, 2021

The implementation of the paradigm proposed by industry 4.0 provides new benefits for the food industry. Those benefits include production flexibility, optimization of decision making processes by real time handling information, an increase in productivity and efficiency of resources. The application of the Internet of things (IoT), intelligent process control, big data optimization, and sustainable production and monitoring aims to create a sustainable food industry. Innovations in food technology and industry are aimed at finding nutritious, healthy, and safe and can meet the needs of the population global.

Therefore, in order to share knowledge and to develop research networking as well as new research collaborative opportunities among experts in the field of food technology, nutrition, and sustainable agricultural systems, IAFT / PATPI and the Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara will hold the International Conference on Food Technology, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture (ICFTNSA) 2021 on September 30, 2021. The conference is also held in collaboration with the Master Program of Food Science, Master Program of Animal Science and Center of Tuber and Root Crops Study  Universitas Sumatra Utara. However, since the corona virus disease (Covid-19) pandemic is still exists, the conference will be implemented virtually.

Invited Speakers

  • Prof. Benu Adhikari, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Santad Wichienchot, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
  • Prof. Claire Gaiani, University of Lorraine, Nancy, Lorraine, France
  • Prof. Shyam S.Sablani, Washington State University, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Santoso, M.Sc. IAFT/PATPI, Indonesia


Honorary Board

  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Santoso, M.Sc. President of IAFT/PATPI
  • Prof. Dr. Aman Wirakartakusumah President-elect of IUFoST and Presiding Officer IAFoST
  • Dr. Muryanto Amin, S.Sos, M.Si. Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Dr. Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun Hasibuan, S.Si., M.Si., Apt. Vice Rector III of Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Dr. Ir. Tavi Supriana, MS. Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Julianti, M.Si. Head of Department of Food Science and Technology, Universitas Sumatera Utara


Scientific Committee

  • Prof.Bhesh Bhandari (The University of Queensland, Australia)
  • Assoc.Prof. Dr Fazilah Ariffin (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Santoso, M.Sc (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr. Yuli Witono, STP, MP (Universitas Jember, Indonesia)
  • Ardiansyah, PhD (Bakrie University, Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Elisa Julianti, M.Si (Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Zulkifli Lubis, M.App.Sc (Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia)
  • Prof.Dr. Jansen Silalahi, MApp.Sc (Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia)


Organizing Committee

Chairman : Dr. Ir. Hotnida Sinaga, M.Phil
Co-chairman : Dr. Ir. Erika Pardede, M.App.Sc
Secretary : Era Yusraini, STP, M.Si
Treasurer : Mimi Nurminah, STP, M.Si
Vice Treasurer : Ir. Ismed Suhaidi, M.Si

Chair : Dr. Nauas Domu Marihot Romauli, STP, M.Eng
Members : Prof. Dr. Ir. Posman Sibuea, MS

: Dr. Ir. Ma'ruf Tafsin, M. Si
: Dr. Tetty Herta Doloksaribu, STP, MKM
: Ir. Sanggam Dera Rosa Tampubolon, M.Si, Ph.D
:Dr. Gusti Setiavani, STP, MP
: Nenni Dwi Aprianti Lubis, SP, M.Si
:Dr. Orsilda Martoni, SKM, M.Kes
: Dr.techn. Marini Damanik, M.Si
:Ir. Muhammad Iqbal Nusa, MP
: Liza Devita, S.Si, M.Si

Secretariat : Adrian Hilman, STP, M.Sc
: Karina Nola Sinamo, STP, M.Si
: Edy Syahputra Harahap, STP, M.Si
: Syahira Addina, S.Pi, M.Si
: Winny Iftari, STP, M.Si
: Tika Hafzarah Siregar, STP, M.Si

Steering Committee : Dr. Ir. Hotman Manurung, MS

: Linda Masniary Lubis, STP, M.Si
: Ridwansyah, STP, M.Si

: Tiar Lince Masriani Bakara, SP, M.Kes
: Rumida, SP, M.Kes

: Maya Sari, STP, M.Sc
: Dini Novita Sari, STP, MP

: Ir. Rosnawyta Simajuntak, MP

Public Relation : Ir. Terip Karo-karo, MS

: Ir. Sentosa Ginting, MP
: Giyanto, STP, MT

:Dr. Desi Ardilla, SP, M.Si
:Dr. Ir. Erika Pardede, M.App.Sc

: Ir. Mahyu Danil MP, MM
: Dra. Hj. Ida Nurhayati, M.Kes

:Ir. Zuraidah Nasution, M.Kes
: Dr. Nevy Diana Hanafi, S.Pt, M.Si
: Dewi Restuana Sihombing, S.Si, M.Si
:Wahyu Haryati Maser, STP, M.Si


Conference Information