Last modified: 2017-10-27
Abstract. The aim of the study was knowing the comparison creatinine plasma levels at uncontrolled and controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at Primary Health Care in Binjai city of North Sumatera in Indonesia. This cross sectional study was conducted on 40 type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients who attended Primary Health Care in Binjai. Patients with age > 40 years old, (both sexes) were included in the study. Different demographic parameter as age , Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure and personal history status were recorded. The biochemical parameters including Hba1c, Fasting Blood Sugar Levels (FBL) and creatinine serum. Hba1c test was done to separate the samples in to two groups one is controlled and the other uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus. FBL were measured by using portable measuring instrument, and Hba1c was measured by Thamrin clinical laboratory and creatinine plasm was measured by sphectrofotometry. With statistical analysis using T test found that there was significant difference of creatinin plasm levels between uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus with controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (p<0.005)