Last modified: 2017-10-21
Henoch-schönlein purpura (HSP) is vasculitis of the small vessels, is the most common vasculitis of the childhood and it’s uncommon in adults. The clinical features include a palpable purpuric rash, arthralgia, gastrointestinal  and renal involvement. A case of HSP is reported in a 36 year old female with ten days history of multiple papable purpuric on regio antebrachii, regio femoralis and cruris dextra et sinistra. Burn sensation on both legs, pain sensation on knees joint and ankles joint and bloody stools were found. History of cough and sore throat were often presented. Laboratory examination was found mild anemia, mild leukocytes, ASTO: < 200, IgA: 332 mg/dL. The Patient treated by giving injection of methylprednisolone, azathioprine, and at last this treatment apparently bears good result. In this case diagnose of HSP is made based on anamnesis, phisic examination and dan laboratory test. The account of respiratory tract stated above presumed as the factors of kindling of the outbreak of HSP to this patient. Therapy approach to the patient of HSP is treated supportively, symptomatically together with corticosteroid and immunosupresan. The prognosis in adult is worse than children due to an increased risk of disorders of the renal. Therefore, HSP in adults patient should be addressed.
Keywords: Henoch-schonlein purpura.