USU Conference Systems, International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (ICTROMI) 2017

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Diagnostic value of Nested-PCR for Identification of Malassezia species in Dandruff
Nelva Karmila Jusuf, Tetty Aman Nasution, Syarifah Ullyana

Last modified: 2017-10-20


Background: Dandruff or pityriasis simplex is a condition of abnormal occurrence of formation of yellowish white scales from the scalp. Many factors play a role in the pathogenesis of dandruff, i.e colonization of Malassezia species. Examination of Malassezia species previously done by culture as the gold standard. However, there are various difficulties in doing the culture. Identification method with nested-polymerase chain reaction (nested-PCR) is expected to provide quickly and easily detection.Objective: To determine the diagnostic value of nested-PCR in identification of Malassezia species in dandruff. Method and subject: From 21 subjects, scales from the scalp were taken and sent to the Laboratory for nested-PCR identification. Statistical analysis of diagnostic test carried out to determine sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. Result: The results showed nested-PCR detected 10 sample (47.6%) positive for Malassezia species consist of M. sympodialis (23.8%); M. slooffiae (9.5%); M. furfur (4.8%); M. globosa and M. furfur(4.8%); and M. restricta and M. sympodialis (4.8%). Detection of Malassezia species by nested-PCR has 100% in sensitivity whereas the specificity was 55%. Conclusion: Nested-PCR  test has high sensitivity,therefore nested-PCR may be considered for a  faster and simpler alternative examination in identification for Malassezia species in dandruff.

Keywords : dandruff, nested-PCR, fungal culture, Malassezia species