Last modified: 2017-11-13
Background. Diabetes Mellitus (diabetic) is a group of metabolic disease in which incidence increasing steadily from year to year. There are diabetic patients who have diabetic foot ulcer complications and some are not. One of the factors that can explain the occurrence of ulcers in diabetic patients is the presence of thrombosis due to increased platelet function. Therefore investigators were interested in investigating whether there were differences in platelet indices between diabetic patients with and without diabetic foot ulcers.
Methods. A cross sectional study on 40 diabetic patients performed at RSUP H Adam Malik Medan. Platelets indices were examined and looked for differences in platelet indices of diabetic patients with and without diabetic foot ulcers. Data analysed using Chi-Square and Mann Whitney U test with 95% CI. P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results. there were differences in hemostasis function ie prothrombin time, thrombin time, INR, aPTT and fibrinogen between the two groups with p value of 0.001 respectively; 0.004; 0.015; 0.021; 0.009. From the indices platelet examination, it was found that there were differences in the number of platelets, PDW and PCT with p values ​​of 0.041; 0.027; 0.007 respectively, whereas there was no difference for MPV value (p = 0,050).
Conclusion: Platelet indices was found to be increased in diabetic patients with diabetic foot ulcers indicating more reactive and aggregatable platelet function.
Keywords : Diabetes Melitus, Diabetic Food Ulcer, Platelet Indices