USU Conference Systems, International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (ICTROMI) 2017

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The Relationship Between Procalcitonin And High Density Lipoprotein In Bacterial Sepsis Patient
daniel parulian tarigan

Last modified: 2017-10-27


Abstract:Sepsis can decrease the anti-inflammation and immunomodulator effects of High Density Lipoprotein(HDL).Low HDL levels inversely correlate with the severity of sepsis disease and associate with an exaggerated systemic inflammatory response.Bacterial infection is a strong stimulus for procalcitonin(PCT).High PCT level have a high positive predictive value to rule in the diagnosis of sepsis,severe sepsis and septic shock.

Aim:To determine the correlation between procalcitonin and high density lipoprotein level in bacterial sepsis patient.

Methods:An observational study with case control design from January 2017 to March 2017 in 30 sepsis  and 30 non-sepsis infection patients at H.Adam Malik General Hospital Medan.The data collected by the entire sample to fill out PCT and HDL level on the 1st,3rd and 5th day and then analyzed using Mann-Whitney to assess their relationship.

Results:Statistically,shows a significant difference in PCT and HDL level between sepsis and non-sepsis group.There was a negative correlation between HDL and PCTwith r=-0,422 (1st day),r=-0,567 (3rd day),r=-0,7(5th day),and a negative correlation between HDL level and the severity of sepsis,with r = -0,586 that show a medium strength correlation.Sepsis can be estimated when the HDL value less than 17,50mg/dl.

Conclusion:There was a significant relationship between HDL and PCT level in bacterial sepsis patient.

Keywords:Sepsis,High density lipoprotein,procalcitonin


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