USU Conference Systems, The 2015 International Conference on Electrical, Telecommunication and Computer Engineering

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Optimization of PID Controller Design for DC Motor Based on Flower Pollination Algorithm
dwi lastomo, Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal, widodo widodo, Imam Robandi

Last modified: 2015-11-19


In this paper, optimum design of PID controller for speed control of DC Motor is presented using Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA). Flower Polination Algorithm can optimally tune the PID factors and provide an optimum controller. As a result, performance characteristics of system step response such as overshoot, rise time, and settling time will reduce in DC Motor and this performance improvement is investigated in MATLAB. The obtained results show optimum behavior of the proposed method comparing with Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm of PID factors tuning for DC Motor. Optimization of PID Controller Design for DC Motor Based on Flower Pollination Algorithm